Horror website FATALLY YOURS is the latest prestigious outlet to weigh in with a RAVE REVIEW of author R. H. Greene's novel INCARNADINE: THE TRUE MEMOIRS OF COUNT DRACULA. Calling INCARNADINE "a thoughtful, exciting, and wholly engrossing novel that sheds new light on vampire lore and lets us experience the grand legend of Count Dracula through his own eyes," reviewer Sally Jahier says "The novel is beautifully written by Greene.... There are lots of profound and major events... all of which add to the grand legend of Count Dracula."
Adding that she "eagerly looks forward" to the publication of INCARNADINE's companion volume THE CHARNEL HOUSE, Jahier concluded by praising INCARNADINE for its blend of ancient Slavic lore and fairytale incident with origin stories for some of the more familiar vampire tropes, and for "delving into more profound, philosophical territory. If you like your vampire stories with a little more bite," writes Jahier, "I highly encourage you to check out Incarnadine: The True Memoirs of Count Dracula."
To read the full review, please go here.