INCARNADINE author R. H. Greene is now producing regular segments for Southern California Public Radio.
A new site feature has been added to the INCARNADINE website where listeners will find the following archive pieces on their own dedicated page:
• Interview with Author R. H. Greene about INCARNADINE: THE TRUE MEMOIRS OF COUNT DRACULA. Both the 6-minute radio piece and the full 45 minute interview are included.
• For Baby B. R. H. Greene's tribute to "Baby B," his twin brother, Tom, who passed away before INCARNADINE's publication.
• Airborne: A Life in Radio With Orson Welles A dream project completed: the first full-length documentary ever about the totality of Orson Welles remarkable 500-broadcast American radio career, and the controversial and heroic way it ended. Years in the making. Rare audio abounds.
• The Visible Man A nine-minute documentary on the enduring mystery of a notorious neighborhood eccentric, and art's inadequacy in ever explaining human behavior.
• Vampira and Me A feature-length documentary about RH Greene's odd friendship with goth icon, television pioneer and the star of Ed Wood Jr.'s "Plan Nine from Outer Space:" Maila Nurmi aka Vampira. Extensive rare interview materials from Greene's personal archive are included.
• The Mazursky Mystery An in-depth profile of legendary film director Paul Mazursky by RH Greene.
• Voluptua: The Love Goddess A look back at a forgotten sex scandal that rocked early broadcast TV, featuring 83-year-old former pin-up girl Gloria Pall, aka "Voluptua."
• Passing Strangers R. H. Greene sits down with Mark "Stew" Stewart and Heidi Rodewald, the creative partnership behind cult rock heroes The Negro Problem, to talk about the break-up of their personal relationship and the way it reinvigorated their professional one on the album MAKING IT.
• Los Angeles, Year Zero The LA Riots, remembered.
• Freaky Friday A different take on Rebecca Black's FRIDAY--the viral music phenomenon. FRIDAY mastermind Patrice Wilson takes on the haters, reports of legal tussles swirl around Ark Music Factory, and youkoolaylee00 drops the definitive emo version.
• Re-Animated Horror legends Stuart Gordon and Jeffrey Combs talk to DRACULA novelist R. H. Greene about their 1985 cult classic RE-ANIMATOR, RE-ANIMATOR: THE MUSICAL and NEVERMORE: AN EVENING WITH EDGAR ALLAN POE.
• Life's a Drag Profile of LEAVE IT ON THE FLOOR, an audacious new low budget indie musical shot on the cheap on the streets of L.A. Extended dance pop music clips plus interviews with producer/director Sheldon Larry, screenwriter Glenn Gaylord and breakout star Phillip Evelyn.
• Eastern European Dreams. Inspiration and rumination in the region where INCARNADINE was both written and is set.
• Six-Pack Abs Made Me a Better Writer! The mysteries of creative potency revealed.
• My Mel Gibson Moment First-person reflections on a superstar's rise and fall.
The "Radio Commentaries" page will be updated regularly.