We are pleased to announce that a new Kindle edition of INCARNADINE: THE TRUE MEMOIRS OF COUNT DRACULA has been created under the personal supervision of author R. H. Greene. The INCARNADINE Kindle is available for download for just $4.49. This is a savings of more than 80 percent off the hardcover list price.
"Amazon's new royalty structure for Kindle is a very generous one thanks to competition from the iPad," Greene says. "So we made the decision to pass that generosity along to readers as a thank you for their patience in waiting for this digital edition to be done and done right."
The new Kindle edition includes the complete text of INCARNADINE, "with a few small typographical 'fixes' that came to our attention over time." There's also an interactive menu with hyperlinks between the contents page and each section and chapter of the book; a revised author bio; and one small addition to the "Special Thanks" at book's end: a thank you to reader Kat Courtright, whose Amazon post pleading for an authorized Kindle edition inspired Greene to personally spearhead the project.
The Kindle edition of INCARNADINE is available here.